Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Healthy Weight Loss - Healthy Living - 1

Healthy Weight Loss and the Mind Body Connection

Mind Body Connection or What You Think is What You Create is sometimes more true with a weight loss program and issues than anything else we are achieving. How we see ourselves and the reality is often a distorted picture. Not just of the physical body but the true us within. Our thoughts create who we are, how we live, the choices we make, how we relate to family and other people and how we view all aspects of our lives. And what we BELIEVE we do ACHIEVE. Healthy Living is the primary goal.

Ouch ... that concept can bite at first. How can the reality of your life have be created by what you think and believe? I’ll use an analogy that made really good sense to me when it was presented. (I suggest you get a piece of paper or your journal). This excersie will help in preparing for a natural and healthy weight loss program that you can live with.

This is something I have done with frined and clients as well. I'd like you first draw a circle at the top of a piece of paper and inside the circle write ‘conscious mind’, in the middle of the page make another circle and inside write ‘sub-conscious’. Now below that make an ark (an open half circle with the open end down). In the ark label it ‘super-conscious’.

Starting at the top lets think of this in the same way we think of a computer hard drive. Your conscious is like the data input area. It does not know right from wrong, just as the key board keys hit, it says .... OK! This point is criticle to understand.

Draw a picture or use words and put arrows going into the conscious. You get input from so many sources: your family, friends and not so friends, teachers, TV, movies, books you read and have read, music you listen to, things that are understood as in society messages, magazines, commercials. Even well meaning people can put some really stinging and harmful information into your subconscious). Like when my name sake Aunt Nancy met me for the first time, pinched my cheek hard and said "my what a cute little fat girl you are". Well, that did it, I never go by Nancy any more and I was confirmed that I was FAT and Cute - a confusing picture.

This sub-conscious (just like for the input into a computer does not make any decision at this point if it is true or false. Now draw an Arrow going down to the sub-conscious (the storage area) and see what has been put into storage.
I think you can see the problem here. We, you and I normally go by, day after day, acting and reacting on what has been stored in our sub-conscious (the computer memory – no judgment of right or wrong information). This where we also create our self talk and beliefs, much of which is on faulty information. Our beliefs about healthy weight loss and how we precieve ourselves is developed.

Now draw a wavy line between the conscious circle and sub-conscious circle. This is called the FILTER and YOU do have control of this once you know it is there. If you start today and listen, really listen and evaluate you can decide what to let through the filter, what is healthy and in your best interests.

The first step is to know the filter is there, to be present in your daily tasks and activities so that you can be vigilant about who or what you let fill you sub-conscious (the place where decisions and beliefs are rooted). The old unwanted can be replaced.

Did you know there are physical signs that the your emotional health and wellbeing is out of balance. For example if you experience several of the following: Back pain, Change in appetite, Chest pain, Constipation or diarrhea, Extreme tiredness, General aches and pains & Headaches, High blood pressure, Insomnia (trouble sleeping), Palpitations (the feeling that your heart is racing), Sexual problems, Shortness of breath, Upset stomach and Weight gain or loss are all examples.

Poor emotional health can weaken your bodys immune system, making it more likely to increase our sugar intake, coffee and alchole, we often experience more colds and with this stress we do not take care of our physical or emotional body as we need to. A weight loss program to meet your needs has to also assit with your growth of clearing the mind chatter.

So one of the first steps to natural healthy weight loss is understanding the mind body connection. Ponder on the concept and be mindful for the next few days of the messages that are being tossed at you and the messages you are tossing at yourself. Remember your filter factor and choose what to keep and what to reject. Your healthy living will depend on it.

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