Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Heathy Living - Weight Loss and Stress - 2

Healthy Weight Loss and Stress. How Does that effect Weight Loss?

Do you have stress in your life? We all do, it's kinda like rain, just keeps coming. It's how we handle Stress that makes all the difference. My Weight Loss and healthy living has certainly been affected by stress eating. Has yours?

There are lots of reasons we over eat, a list longer than I could write. So lets just look at Stress Eating. One things that helps is to write a list of all the things you do, tasks, people you have relations with from co-workers, friends and family, where you live, make this a long list, nothing too small to put on it. Then mark off what 'feeds' you, makes you feel good and refreshed, and check off those things that deplete you or stress you.

Now you've got something to work with. Change what you can, delete, give away, delegate or accept. But it is time to take responsibility for your life. Decrease the stressors for they wear you down. This makes it much easier for healthy weight loss.

If you've ever had food issues then you know of Stress Eating and the relationship to Healthy Weight Loss? I’ll bet my two pennies you have. Do you eat while driving, working, watching TV, visiting with anyone or even have food stashed in your pockets or bag when going to any meetings or social functions? I have and it was stress eating. When feeling all thight or jittery, are you heading for a candy bar, soda or the rage: fancy coffee drinks loaded with sugar?

Yes, that's stress eatting and drinking. Sugar is drug that usually calms someone down at first then there is a rush and crash effect. You are probably familure with that. So you follow that with more sugar OR meat, usually red meat to balance it out and the cycle goes on and on. Yep, been there and done that one many times in past years. NO more though. My weight loss program is in my hands now.

Stress eating is something we are all probably well acquainted with. Some common examples of issues that bring chronic stress are: Candida, which is an overproduction of yeast (often brought about by eating a lot of sugars and stress), for me, sugar and stress goes hand in hand. Then there are issues like Adult ADD, Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), Electromagnetic sensitivity (which can be a result of spending too much time in front of your computer) – that one is a challenge since I have successful home computer business, a made up word I call "askaphobia," which is a fear of asking for help {does that resonate withy you?}, Sleep debt and Sleep apnea.

Then there are Work addictions, Toxic relationships, Perfectionism, Weak boundaries, among many others. Healthy weight loss is a complicated little beast and when someone says, “well, just eat less” I know they have never had the challenge of food and what our relationship is to it. It is not a simple issue but it is one you can win the battle with!

Chronic Stress takes a toll on our physical system but it also wears down our inner strength to hold to our personal commitments and goals. Taking a loving, gentle but honest inventory of your life is so vital to success in Halthy Weight Loss and personal health, both physical and emotional. Cronic Stress is behind most illnesses and is the number one problem we have to find constructive ways to disapate. Stress either controls us OR we learn to manage our lives, our actions and reactions so that Stress is not the Silent One that steals our dreams.

Are you ready for your last weight loss program? One that support all aspects of your life: health and wellness, mind chatter, emotional issues you can now take on, nutritional support - a full plan for healthy living?

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