Thursday, August 20, 2009

Natural Vitamins are a part of Weight Loss - 6

Have You Ever had a Weight Loss Issue?

Well I have! I weighed 440# at the top and now hold at about 125#. So this article isn't from someone who just read about weight loss and Natural Vitamins, been there and done that, as they say.

We all either have some weight to lose or know someone who does. Slowly we can let our weight creep up and lead us into poor health. Many of the illnesses we develope as we age are a direct result and can be caused or increased in severity by poor health habits and being overweight.

Natural Vitamins and vitalty test and a good nutritional plan is the second step towards optimal health. All Natural Weight Loss affects your overall physical and emotional health.

We all have to start somewhere so what is the first step? You will find that making that FIRM decision and commitment to change habits that will lead to a healthier you is first.

You won't have weight loss or health and wellness because someone else wants you to; it just doesn’t work that way. Eventually the will to lose weight, keep those changed habits going and staying on top of your nutrition gives way BECAUSE it really wasn’t what you were committed to.

So get straight from the start; set the commitment to have weight loss, get vital and healthy and do the work that goes with it. It is more than worth it but you’ll only fully realize that when you are feeling strong, healthy and have more energy than you’ve ever had before.

It is important that through the process you keep the muscle that you have and work towards adding to it. That word we don’t often want to talk about is physical exercise. Even your heart is a muscle and your heart is greatly affected by being overweight as well as dieting too dramatically and dropping weight too fast. With weight loss; plan to burn the fat that you don’t need, and lose those inches that you don’t want. What could be simpler than that?
Natural Vitamins and Suppliment will give you additional strength and vitality which is encouraging.

Analyze your nutritional plan for a well balanced and nutritional appropriate plan that is appropriate for you. If necessary consult with a nationalist or do your own research, write out a plan and then work with a daily journal to track your progress. Weigh only once a week but measure once a month.

Often when you hit those pesky plateaus, you’ll be losing that fat which weighs less and gaining muscle, getting leaner and yet it weighs more. So don't worry. The measurements being tracked will be encouraging as you progress on you weight loss plan.

Now for the exercise, not an option, no successful long term plans works out without changing our habits. So – what will you do consistently and what are you physically able to do. Be sure to consult with your family physician when starting any serious weight loss plan. Have a good variety of exercise plans, from aerobic, strength training to flexibility (yoga is fantastic for that one). Having a variety helps to not get bored. Again in your journal keep track of your results in your journal.

Natural Vitamins and Supplements – they are critical to your overall success plan. Keeping your protein up is so important so look to your supplements in relation to an overall plan. If you are eating an average American food plan of junk foods and eating on the run OR if you are cutting back on food and doing your best to eat a balanced plan, it still isn’t enough.

So if you are using healthy foods, or protein bars and shakes supplement with a solid Natural Vitamin program. Your body and your mind will thank you for it. Weight Loss takes planning and determination AND nutrition takes a plan as well with high quality of Natural Vitamins and Supplements.

As a avid user of Leanology, I can say with assurance that we have one of the very best, well balanced and researched programs. We have the best all natural wight loss program with the combination of Natural Vitamins availabe. Each plan can be adapted to your specific needs.

There are also available clinical reserch papers for you. So what day are you waiting for to get started moving towards optimal health?

Thre is no better time than now. Check out our Healthy Weight Loss Program. Here's to the last program you will ever need.

Eat Less - Eat More Often = Weight Loss - 5

Surprise - Eat More Small Meals for Weight Loss.

Yes it’s true. Healthy snacking or if you prefer to call them ‘small meals’ will make it easier to lose weight.

The servings that are being dished out in Fast Food and Junk Food Road Stops and Restaurants is astounding.

I took my family when they visited unexpectedly to a nice Italian Restaurant a few weeks ago. We got to visiting and I forgot to warn them of the size of the portions this Restaurant served. When our waitress came, all of us just looked stunned.

Each of us had ordered a meal and each meal could easily feed 2 or even 3 people. Needless to say, we had leftovers for a very long time.

That is the way it is now days. Over sizing meals has become the norm. And obviously it relates to higher calorie intake, often including fats and sugars.

In our country people are dying of obesity or illness brought on by being overweight; where in other countries people are dying of starvation. That doesn’t make any sense to me.

One way for you to be successful with weight loss is to gradually start reducing the portions of the meals and increasing how often you eat. I like using a small salad plate to eat my meals and then I got these small bowls, I think they would be called ‘custard’ bowls. That way my plate doesn’t look empty when I’m eating.
Another helping tip is to use a measuring cup to measure. Just what does ½ cup look like anyway?

Actually we shouldn’t be surprised; our digestive system really works better with a small meal and thus we assimilate the nutrients more efficiently, giving ourselves more energy after the meal.

Big meals make us sluggish and we lose a lot of the nutrition.

For weight loss have some quick easy preplanned snacks. There are good selections of protein bars and health drinks, fresh fruit and keep fresh raw vegetables cleaned and cut up with a dip you like.

Experiment with new foods, like a tofu dip with spices you like. If you just wrinkled your nose, either you’ve never tried it or didn’t use a good mix. Tofu is high in protein and has NO taste. It takes on the taste of whatever you add to it.
There is less potential energy in a small meal to be stored as fat. This of course gives you the opportunity to burn off excess fat and help you have a steady flow of weight loss.

With the concept of eating small meals and eating more often, you get triple benefits for your efforts. There will be fewer calories, increased metabolic rate and less chance of feeling bloated.

Health and Wellness which includes weight loss for many is within your reach.

It will also help you to eat smaller portions if you drink a large glass of pure water ½ hour before the meal and don’t drink again until 1 hour after the meal.
That way you aren’t flushing food through you. Did you know that often when you think you are hungry, you really are thirsty. Give it a chance. You’ve got nothing to lose but weight. Weight loss is for health and wellness, are you ready?

Weight Loss is a Product of Our Beliefs - 4

Weight Loss - What You Think is What You Create AND it is NOT Your Fault!

"I think, therefore I am, or I am happy, or I am sad, or I am angry, or I am worthless and more. What we know--or think we know--is our biggest roadblock to learning." By Francis M. Duffy.

How does Weight Loss relate to that?

Oh how our beliefs, our minds and thoughts do shape our being, our behavior and our vary life as we perceive it. That certainly includes how we think about ourselves, our value as a mother or father, husband or wife, teen or elder; it matters not.
If we think we are less than or undeserving of being or that it is unsafe for us to walk this world; then often we develop eating disorders including issues of weight loss and health. This can often be a result of physical, verbal or sexual abuse.

Oh our minds and beliefs are powerful indeed. So some weight loss tips include getting some level of control over our very beliefs and actions; would you not agree this could be valuable.

YES, of course, nutrition and natural vitamins have a place in this picture. But 1st comes what you think and believe, the rest will follow.

The first step is to know the filter is there, to be present in your daily tasks and activities so that you can be vigilant about who or what you let fill you sub-conscious (the place where decisions and beliefs are rooted).

The old unwanted can be replaced. You can choose to engage the FILTER FACTOR and there are processes to do this, many of which are gentle.

Did you know you can Google for the physical signs that the emotional health and wellbeing is out of balance? For example if you experience several of the following: back pain, change in appetite, chest pain, constipation or diarrhea, extreme tiredness, general aches and pains & headaches, high blood pressure, insomnia (trouble sleeping), palpitations (the feeling that your heart is racing), sexual problems, shortness of breath, upset stomach and weight gain or weight loss are all examples.

Poor emotional health can weaken your bodys immune system, making it more likely to increase our sugar intake, coffee and alcohol, we often experience more colds and with this stress we do not take care of our physical or emotional body as we need to.

One of the first steps to healthy natural weight loss is to start to understanding the mind body connection. Ponder on the concept and be mindful for the next few days of the messages that are being tossed at you and the messages you are tossing at yourself. Remember your filter factor and choose what to keep and what to reject. Your health will depend on it.

To lose weight requires awareness of your mind, thoughts and behaviors. For how can we have a fresh new tomorrow while living and reliving yesterday? As to working with a Natural Weight Loss Program, it must be ever so healthy and proven to be of the highest standards for nutrition. The Leanology Program is such a program with an exceptional amount of research and real science into each product and the aspect of your health and wellness.

All of Leanolgy products come with a 100% guarantee so there is nothing to risk and much to gain. Always remember it does not matter if you are following the best of food plans or eating poorly, a natural vitamin support system is invaluable.

Total body and mind nutrition is critical for optimal health. If I may be of service, please contact me and we can chat about what ever issues or concerns you have. Here is to your health and wellness for the coming years.

Goes Green and Eco Friendly Weight Loss Program - Weight Loss Tips with Going Green -3

Weight loss tips include taking charge of your life; you are the captain of your ship, not a victim of it.

To lose weight takes a plan and support, both are here for you. Is today the first day of the rest of your life?

Most of us are professional dieters and as we know, diets do not work. The word diet means temporary anyway and our brains know that. So we do it for a while until we can not stand it anymore. Then doing a nose dive into those habits and foods that send us spinning in the first place.

How many weight loss programs have you tried? Are you ready for weight loss tips and Natural Plan that can easily be your LAST plan for life? If so – read on.

Sound familiar? So the BIG question, are you ready to look at the last weight loss programs? You will find weight loss tips that give you what you need; nutritional support. You relearn to work with real foods and natural support foods that are tasty, leaving you satisfied, snacks to fill in the in between meal gotchas. Take a look at it: Leanolgy!

Please also check out my personal Weight Loss Blog on Weight Loss Tips. Hopefully there you will find articles that support you and my personal story of how to lose weight as well. It was a long haul but I am almost done, life is so much better when food is simply food and not an emotional substitute.
You can check out the TriVita Leanolgy Programs for a Health and Welness Program. See Links on side bar.

But I wanted to address today that we are a green company and eco friendly in all that we do. How can you join with us to make some changes that sound simple but when added up make a dramatic change on the eco system.

For example when you shop wisely for weight loss food plan, always carry your own bags. Take no paper or plastic form the stores. You can often get them at the stores very inexpensively if you have not changed over yet. I keep them tucked in my car and when I forget to take them into the store as everyone does on occasion, I make myself walk back out and get them. It takes time to develop healthy habits.

You can Google for weight loss tips but be careful of the scams and fad diets you find. Filter out the information that is valid and healthy.

Can you clean your kitchen the goes green way, getting all toxins out of your home? Your are doing all this work on regaining and claiming your health. Step one step more and make your home a Goes Green Home, you will find you and your family healthier as well as because non toxic supplies have a great health benifit and effect mental and emotional health as well.

Being emotionally calmer makes weight loss tips much easier. Check out Leanolgy for your Last Weight Loss Program.