Thursday, August 20, 2009

Eat Less - Eat More Often = Weight Loss - 5

Surprise - Eat More Small Meals for Weight Loss.

Yes it’s true. Healthy snacking or if you prefer to call them ‘small meals’ will make it easier to lose weight.

The servings that are being dished out in Fast Food and Junk Food Road Stops and Restaurants is astounding.

I took my family when they visited unexpectedly to a nice Italian Restaurant a few weeks ago. We got to visiting and I forgot to warn them of the size of the portions this Restaurant served. When our waitress came, all of us just looked stunned.

Each of us had ordered a meal and each meal could easily feed 2 or even 3 people. Needless to say, we had leftovers for a very long time.

That is the way it is now days. Over sizing meals has become the norm. And obviously it relates to higher calorie intake, often including fats and sugars.

In our country people are dying of obesity or illness brought on by being overweight; where in other countries people are dying of starvation. That doesn’t make any sense to me.

One way for you to be successful with weight loss is to gradually start reducing the portions of the meals and increasing how often you eat. I like using a small salad plate to eat my meals and then I got these small bowls, I think they would be called ‘custard’ bowls. That way my plate doesn’t look empty when I’m eating.
Another helping tip is to use a measuring cup to measure. Just what does ½ cup look like anyway?

Actually we shouldn’t be surprised; our digestive system really works better with a small meal and thus we assimilate the nutrients more efficiently, giving ourselves more energy after the meal.

Big meals make us sluggish and we lose a lot of the nutrition.

For weight loss have some quick easy preplanned snacks. There are good selections of protein bars and health drinks, fresh fruit and keep fresh raw vegetables cleaned and cut up with a dip you like.

Experiment with new foods, like a tofu dip with spices you like. If you just wrinkled your nose, either you’ve never tried it or didn’t use a good mix. Tofu is high in protein and has NO taste. It takes on the taste of whatever you add to it.
There is less potential energy in a small meal to be stored as fat. This of course gives you the opportunity to burn off excess fat and help you have a steady flow of weight loss.

With the concept of eating small meals and eating more often, you get triple benefits for your efforts. There will be fewer calories, increased metabolic rate and less chance of feeling bloated.

Health and Wellness which includes weight loss for many is within your reach.

It will also help you to eat smaller portions if you drink a large glass of pure water ½ hour before the meal and don’t drink again until 1 hour after the meal.
That way you aren’t flushing food through you. Did you know that often when you think you are hungry, you really are thirsty. Give it a chance. You’ve got nothing to lose but weight. Weight loss is for health and wellness, are you ready?

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