Thursday, August 20, 2009

Weight Loss is a Product of Our Beliefs - 4

Weight Loss - What You Think is What You Create AND it is NOT Your Fault!

"I think, therefore I am, or I am happy, or I am sad, or I am angry, or I am worthless and more. What we know--or think we know--is our biggest roadblock to learning." By Francis M. Duffy.

How does Weight Loss relate to that?

Oh how our beliefs, our minds and thoughts do shape our being, our behavior and our vary life as we perceive it. That certainly includes how we think about ourselves, our value as a mother or father, husband or wife, teen or elder; it matters not.
If we think we are less than or undeserving of being or that it is unsafe for us to walk this world; then often we develop eating disorders including issues of weight loss and health. This can often be a result of physical, verbal or sexual abuse.

Oh our minds and beliefs are powerful indeed. So some weight loss tips include getting some level of control over our very beliefs and actions; would you not agree this could be valuable.

YES, of course, nutrition and natural vitamins have a place in this picture. But 1st comes what you think and believe, the rest will follow.

The first step is to know the filter is there, to be present in your daily tasks and activities so that you can be vigilant about who or what you let fill you sub-conscious (the place where decisions and beliefs are rooted).

The old unwanted can be replaced. You can choose to engage the FILTER FACTOR and there are processes to do this, many of which are gentle.

Did you know you can Google for the physical signs that the emotional health and wellbeing is out of balance? For example if you experience several of the following: back pain, change in appetite, chest pain, constipation or diarrhea, extreme tiredness, general aches and pains & headaches, high blood pressure, insomnia (trouble sleeping), palpitations (the feeling that your heart is racing), sexual problems, shortness of breath, upset stomach and weight gain or weight loss are all examples.

Poor emotional health can weaken your bodys immune system, making it more likely to increase our sugar intake, coffee and alcohol, we often experience more colds and with this stress we do not take care of our physical or emotional body as we need to.

One of the first steps to healthy natural weight loss is to start to understanding the mind body connection. Ponder on the concept and be mindful for the next few days of the messages that are being tossed at you and the messages you are tossing at yourself. Remember your filter factor and choose what to keep and what to reject. Your health will depend on it.

To lose weight requires awareness of your mind, thoughts and behaviors. For how can we have a fresh new tomorrow while living and reliving yesterday? As to working with a Natural Weight Loss Program, it must be ever so healthy and proven to be of the highest standards for nutrition. The Leanology Program is such a program with an exceptional amount of research and real science into each product and the aspect of your health and wellness.

All of Leanolgy products come with a 100% guarantee so there is nothing to risk and much to gain. Always remember it does not matter if you are following the best of food plans or eating poorly, a natural vitamin support system is invaluable.

Total body and mind nutrition is critical for optimal health. If I may be of service, please contact me and we can chat about what ever issues or concerns you have. Here is to your health and wellness for the coming years.

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